Bayou Bogue Homa Blueway
This bayou is home to multi-cultural history including tribal cultures, pioneers, explorers, traders, and settlers from all over the world. Possum walk is known for its rich African American settlement roots. It was in these waters along the banks of Bayou Bogue Homa that Possum Walk and Logtown residents drew water, washed themselves and their clothing, and sourced their everyday necessities. Today, the Possum Walk Heritage Trail exists to offer hiker, bicyclers, and kayakers a glimpse into history while showcasing the region’s plant and wildlife.
Where the bayou meets the East Pearl River marshes, ancient bald cypress trees line the banks. Other plants you will see there include wild rice and pickerelweed. You will likely even see an alligator or two, so beware!
Look to the sky and you may see birds circling treetops or gliding in for a fresh catch. Birds of the area include Ospreys, Hawks, Bald Eagles, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers, Warblers, Buntings, and more. The Bayou Bogue Homa is a serene place to come sit and enjoy nature’s creatures in their natural habitat.