Jackson County Fair
Located at fairgrounds at the intersection of Shortcut Road and Vega Street, the Jackson County Fair features eight days of rides, stockyard exhibits, music and a plethora of options for food. Starting Sunday October 23 through Sunday October 30.
And it’s affordable family fun. General admission for the fair is free, ride tickets are $1 and armbands for unlimited rides during some specific times can be purchased for around $20. While rides and other staples of the fair are outside, the fairgrounds feature a large covered pavilion.
Other features of the fair include reduced price family night, Old Settler’s Day Lunch for Jackson County residents age 70 and older, Children’s Day, a dog show, Midnight Madness, youth livestock show and the Jackson County Idol hunt.
The fair is a staple in Jackson County’s storied history. Pascagoula, the county’s seat, is a coastal town at the mouth of the Pascagoula river with a thriving shipbuilding and seafood industry. It’s home to Huntington Ingalls Industries, which builds vessels for the U.S. Navy.