Palestine Gardens
A Guided tour will take you across the Jordan River into the “Land of Promise, the land of Israel.” The model cities, villages, and the Holy City of Jerusalem, along with Bethlehem and Nazareth, to name a few, that depict the times of Jesus’ walk on this earth in the first century A.D. There are many landmarks a visitor will recognize in both the Old Testament and New. Mt. Carmel, Mt. Tabor, etc.; the Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Districts of; Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, Jericho and Herod’s Palace. Truly unique in scope and detailed construction but also having a folk art appeal. The tours are designed to take in account of the visitors’ prior knowledge (or lack of thereof) of Biblical stories that all, from the youngest to seniors, will enjoy the experience. Plan on a quarter mile walk, and depending on the season, dress according to the temperature/humidity.
Established in 1960 on a dirt road in the middle of the rural Mississippi woods, Palestine Gardens (formerly prior to 1994, know as Palestinian Gardens) Reverend Walter Harvell Jackson (Mr. H) and his wife began a life long desire to build a scale replica where one yard equates to one mile, but having the models at a much lager proportion for ascetic reasons. Using common cinder blocks, half blocks and other half round blocks and mixing mortar, the project began in 1953. Additions and restoration continues today but many towns are the original work of the Founder. Mr. Jackson passed on to Glory Land in 1987 and his wife the following year but experience of visualizing the Land of the Bible continues on. For an more exhaustive history visit our web page: History Life Long Project, Any age, but best for 7 years and up. Younger than seven can still enjoy the nature trail, turtles, other critters, and massive pine trees.