Historic Logtown
Logtown is named after the logs that were once harvested here. Located at the mouth of the Pearl River, Logtown was once the site of several sawmills. Before the 1850’s, the old-growth trees could be cut into 30-inch wide planks. In 1873, there were twelve mills near the mouth of the Pearl River. Still, by 1893 there was only one- the Weston Lumber Company. The Weston Lumber Company also owned the town’s sawmills, stores, the dummy line railroad, and the ships used to deliver lumber across the coast.
In 1918, Logtown was at its zenith. The Pearl River’s banks held stacks of wood, sawmills, drying kilns, and lumber sheds. During this time, the Weston Lumber Company worked to reforest the trees on their lands. Still, forests within the range of the mill were consumed. The Weston Mill halted production in 1930, with the commissary closing in 1958. In 1958, Logtown had dwindled to just a handful of homes. The US Government bought what was remaining of Logtown in the early 1960’s. Shortly after that, Logtown would lie in the buffer zone of the Stennis Space Center.